Finally, a proverb learnt in std 8th turned out to be useful.No doubt IIT's has produced some of the greatest minds of the world and there are LAKH's of aspirants who desire to get into the old iit's but I am sure they will be compelled to think about the new iit's too after spending 5 minutes reading this blog. For people who think there are only 7 IITs will be surprised to know the figure has changed to 15. Out of all these 15 institutions, the only place where u can live like a BOSS is IITH. I have no idea about the other new ones but forget about your comfortable stay in any of the old iits. I don't deny the fact, they are a long way ahead in terms of rankings, placements, fests and many other aspects but is it good enough to sacrifice a sweet,  comfort and auspicious stay of 4 years of your life in return of all these things ? Just think how will you feel while departing from your college after 4 years being strangers for some of your batchmates with whom u sat in the same classroom for the last 4 yrs. Just imagine how u r gonna feel while hugging and congratulating each other without even knowing each others names.

The stay in IITB last summer with 4 of my friends encouraged me to share some of the issues and challenges in our old iits which were never cared or taken into account to be solved. First and foremost, the rooms, Albin's words trigger my mind at times. He used to say we can play football in our rooms in IITH. In contrast, the rooms in IITB, as soon as as u step down from the bed u r out of the room, such big they were :P. Forget about the cleanliness and hygiene. The faculty in charge of the summer project Miss SOlanki was no better than any other govt. officilas we usually see in movies. She was good for nothing. On the other hand, the staff members here (except a few) in IITH are so kind and caring that we can hardly find anywhere else.Infact, it will take u days to find the director's room there whereas here we passby our director's room 4-5 times everyday. Its like your ID IS MORE VALUABLE THAN UR FACE no matter who u r, a prof, a student, a staff or a guest.On the contrary, hardly anyone asks us to show our ID's here,unnecessarily it will be stuck in our rear pocket under few newtons of tensile force for no use. Any work worth only 2 mins will take days there, most of the time usually spent in finding the place and the corresponding person in charge. Let me share, there was a problem with our draft, we went to 5 people one recommending the other and finally, we were asked to contact, the good for nothing, Solanki whom we met first and still the problem was left unsolved. Not only in movies, in real life too these things do happen. साले चप्पल की mb एक हो गयी  . Our prof SG Singh asked us to keep an instrument worth 1 LAKH with us, and in turn, our guide in IITB was too afraid to allow us access to use a simple thermocouple.

Hardly i can remember any pros but still there are lots of cons roaming in my minds. Well there are very few things which you can adore finally. I was spell bound by the greenery and the elegance of the surrounding nature keeping the climate cool and calm in IITB. The canteens where we spent most of our time and not to forget some good looking chicks.
The funsome sunday, boatride and the two parties are some of the momeires we can cherish experincing the true depths of enjoyment.It turned out to be a lot better than expected.

Our sweet home IITH being sparsely populated with all resources and needs has kept all of us like a family and  I see IITH growing at a much accelerated pace. It would soon establish its own identity among the various renowned institutes of the nation and the world.
I must proudly say, we IITans are just having the best days of our life and IITH added a sweet smelling essence to it.